David Eddings Wiki

The Thulls are a race of Angarak people that inhabit the eastern half of the western continent that contains the Alorn kingdoms. Its capital is Thull Mardu and was ruled by King Nathel.

The word Thull was an Old Angarak word meaning worker, and when Torak ordered the migration to the western continent he believed them to be a seperate tribe to the Murgos and Nadraks. As a result, their nation is rudimentary, and essentially ruled by the Grolims, to provide both support to the Murgos and sacrifices for the altar.

When described, Thulls are dimwitted, fearful, and generally disregarded. They occupy many menial roles, or are otherwise fodder for Grolim sacrifices. Their womenfolk have a reputation for a vast sexual appetite that is explained by pregnancy being one of the few exceptions made to the rule of sacrifice.

When considering methods to preserve his kingdom, Drosta lek Thun of the Nadraks dismisses an alliance with the Thulls outright.
